Thursday, June 29, 2006

Trip Down Memory Lane @ Hikawadai

ok, i felt like its time to go down memory lane. i took a train back to where i used to stay as a student. it is hikawadai in nerima city. somehow i like the area where i was as it was very quiet, peaceful and good neighbourhood. the trip back really brought back a lot of memories, good and back. i was pleasantly surprised when the owner of the small supermarket actually recognised me and greeted me. my, it has been 6 years since i left that place.had a good chat with him and his daughter. bought something small from him as a token. then i just walked around a bit. a few shops had closed down since. but the air, atmosphere etc were the same...except for my apt. whatever happened to my cool apartment. the landlord actually painted the building with some cheap industrial green paint.yucks. (pls see pics). i was wondering how many person had occupied my room since i moved out...i was the first person to occupy the room after they renovated the place.
must be a guy occupying my room now. my room was small and cosy...i wished i could enter my room again..
the shopping street ...

the river. i had to walk along this river for a long 15 min everyday in the past before i reached my train station. this river really brought back a lot of my my..


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